We are Europes leading manufacture of fine quality course furnishings

High-quality craftsmanship
Our skilled tradespeople have honed their craft to a high degree of competency. Working with multiple materials to deliver the premium finish our products are known for. We pride ourselves on our precision finishing and quality of work.
How we work
Premium materials
We source the highest quality materials available to use in our manufacturing process and set the standard in our industry for the use of sustainable and recyclable materials. Our products are built to last in all weather conditions.
Our materials
Worldwide suppliers
We supply golf courses worldwide with long-standing relationships around the globe. Our products can be found on some of the most prestigious golf courses. Speak to us about supplying to your country.
The pinseeker supplier map
Environmentally conscious
We understand the impact your business has on the environment and the complexity of managing local relations. That's why we’ve developed a range of sustainable, environmentally friendly products. Speak to us about how we can help you reduce your environmental impact.
Be part of the solutionGet in touch
There are many ways to get in touch. Call us today on +44(0)1606 738 833 or fill out our contact form
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